My cousin introduced me to this special bakery.
The shop is not big; nevertheless, all of cakes attracted me.
Although I wanted to eat several cakes, chocolates, and bread, I could not afford those expensive prices.

boite de bijou.bmp

My cousin bought "BABA","Fougasse",and "Focaccia".
My cousin bought "BABA","Orangette",and "Focaccia ".

When I started to taste, I think they are valuable.
Fougasse was tasted as similar as pizza, and it was full of the flavor of black olive.
Focaccia was spicy, and it was full of the taste of rosemary.
There were also several grains of sea salt on the Focaccia and it gave relish to the bread.
Orangette was not special, and also too expensive.
I merely bought 4 pieces of Orangette, it cost me 59 dollars.
BABA was tasted good, and it was instinct with wine.

boite de bijou 珠寶盒子法式點心访
地址 台北市麗水街33巷19號之1(師大圖館校區後方,Cozy咖啡旁)
電話 02 33222461

星期一至星期日 10:00(AM)~9:00(PM),月最後一個星期一店休
捷運古亭站: ( 由和平東路一段 141 巷入 )

面具麵包Fougasse】  低温醱酵,有蛋,低糖,橄欖油,義大利綜合香料,黑、綠橄欖,酸豆,義大利風乾蕃茄,蒜頭。 麵包堅持不加益麵劑等人工添加物,使用自然長時間發酵或是老麵傳統發法,少糖,使用總統牌天然奶油製作。

佛卡加麵包 【Focaccia低溫醱酵,有蛋,低糖,橄欖油,義大利綜合香料。口感較鬆軟夾帶香料的味道,外層結晶為天然海鹽。 麵包堅持不加益麵劑等人工添加物,使用自然長時間發酵或是老麵傳統發法,少糖,使用總統牌天然奶油製作。

BABABaba chocolat蛋糕體為布里歐麵糰烤製而成,浸泡萊姆,君度橙酒,甜柑橘酒,伯爵茶。口感介於麵包與海綿蛋糕之間,上層為苦味巧克力奶油,馬卡龍,草莓。


informaion origin:

By the way, when we passed several streets before we came to 永康street to go shopping.
We found a cute cake shop.
When we went into to look at the cakes, it was surprised at me that desserts were not only delicious but also more expensive than boite de bijou’s and above hundred dollars.
Everyone commends “焦糖蘋果千層酥” which costs 130 dollars.
Nevertheless, my cousin and I agreed that we will taste in the future.

La Douceur 品悅糖 法式甜品

others :

La Douceur.bmp


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