新竹國賓十三樓摘星茶廊推出的草莓宴餐色包括有:草莓麻糬、草莓派、草莓天使蛋糕、草莓魔鬼蛋糕、草莓奶酪、草莓餡馬卡龍、草莓酒醋漬、新鮮草莓黑/白巧克力、Haggen Dazs喜見達草莓冰淇淋等。餐檯另提供小朋友最喜愛的巧克力噴泉,將新鮮草莓淋上巧克力噴泉,酸甜香氣中帶有巧克力的濃郁,是草莓宴最夯的吃法。餐檯另提供開胃菜、鹹食、熱湯、沙拉等豐盛自助吧,另可點用一杯咖啡或茶飲,每客定價$420+10%。
Because of this advertisement, I booked the banquet of strawberry on March 29.
I did not get any phone call, so I didn't expect.
Nevertheless, I got it last Friday when I was in Trinity.
I was so happy that I have a long time without afternoon tea.
Finally Windy went with me.
I was disappointed because there were not various foods
Only four little bars were there.
One bar was about hot food like fried rice, fired vegetable and spring rolls
Second bar was about salads.
Third bar was about fruits and two kinds of soup.
Fourth bar was about strawberry dessert and chocolate fountain.
I only prefer to eat Macaroon and fried rice.
I seldom eat fried rice when I eat afternoon tea.
But it tasted was delicious and the beef was fresh and tender.
I was enjoying eating Macaroons, because Macaroons was the expensive dessert in Taiwan.
I remembered that I ate about eight Macaroons.
About Macaroon information http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!8sZ8GXiYRkcmmsGZTnbZ/article?mid=283
A diary with good photo http://www.wretch.cc/blog/trackback.php?blog_id=tinhsun&article_id=10601034