目前分類:art (5)

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I like to watch the cartoons since I was kid.

I am interested in animation, so I attended the computer courses few years ago.

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I read the book - 國立國父紀念館館刊第二十三期(20090506出刊) about 高資敏熊貓畫作  yesterday because his drawings are very cute.

After I read his introduction, I thought his heart is full of love and peace.

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聽障奧運.jpgThere was a big show in Taipei last Friday.

The arts were KITOMB.

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This weekend will be busy because there are many interesting activities such as MV DOULOS忠僕號 ,YODEX新一代設計展and KITONB.


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I saw grand art news on TV yesterday.

There is an art exhibition, ArcadieDans les Collections du Centre Pompidou, in Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

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