I like this essay.

Maybe I have once experience, so I can understand the words.

Maybe I am tired of my regular life, so I want to be a vagrant oversea.

Traveling Alone - Without Feeling Lonely   origin: www.highway11.net

     Interested in giving solo travel a try? If you aren’t the international backpacker type, then you might want to first try making a solo journey within Taiwan. Individual travel is a growing trend in Taiwan, giving new meaning to the joy of travel.

     Travel offers an opportunity to leave behind your daily routine. Travel has no fixed form, and every journey has its own particular purpose, so making a trip offers all sorts of possibilities to be pleasantly surprised. Travel comes is all shapes and sizes: large-group travel, guided tours, traveling with a few friends, family trips, trips for couples, honeymoons, theme travel, and, of course, solo travel. When you think back on all of the different types of trips you’ve ever made, have any of them been a solo trip?

     Many people travel alone because they find it more relaxing, it provides more exposure to the places they are visiting, and it doesn’t require a fixed itinerary. But solo travel is not only about relaxation and fun; it also provides an opportunity to mentally settle down, find yourself, and make a new start. Some people find themselves with a lot of extra free time when they are changing jobs, while others simply decide that they need a break from an inflexible, routine lifestyle. Solo travel doesn’t require any particular purpose, and it eliminates the need to accommodate yourself to somebody else’s schedule and preferences; when you are ready, you just go! Traveling alone gives you increased independence and flexibility; in fact, you can change your plans whenever you want.
     While on a solo journey there is ample opportunity to settle your mind and contemplate the things, which you normally don’t have much of a chance to think about in a calm state of mind. Moreover, you tend to be more focused on the details you encounter along the way, enhancing your sense of enjoyment and leading you to discover and appreciate amazing new things. Another major advantage of solo travel is that it provides more opportunities to meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy genuine friendliness. And who knows, you may even run into your soul mate! These are but some of the attractions of solo travel, and after making their first solo journey, lots of people are hooked!

     What about the disadvantages? Actually, solo travel is not for everyone. You have to learn how to be independent, and you have to get used to relying on yourself. At the very least, you have to be able to pluck up the courage to decide to set out by yourself. If you have been in the habit of group travel for a long time, or if you really like having somebody with you all the time with whom you can share the joys of travel, then solo travel might not be for you.

     So just what sort of person is it who likes to travel alone? From my experience running a bed and breakfast, I’ve found that most solo travelers are women who are sensitive, discerning, and, of course, independent. Perhaps there is something unique about women, which makes them more daring when it comes to solo travel. Over the past two years, however, as bicycling has become more popular, partly due to films and media coverage, lots more men are attempting to circle the island by bicycle, a mode of solo travel which was rather rare in the past.

     Formerly, perhaps one of the main reasons few people opted to travel alone was the relative lack of single room rates at hotels and bed and breakfasts, often making it necessary for solo travelers to pay for a double room. Backpacker hostels are the main exception, but they tend to lack privacy. Sure, solo travel is about being independent, but it really needs to be better supported by the hotel industry. Recently, however, a number of bed and breakfasts on the East Coast have begun to offer discounts for single accommodations in order to attract more solo travelers. Not only do they provide a comfortable place to stay, but they also offer a homey environment where solo travelers can chat and interact with the owner, or if they prefer, enjoy some solitude without being disturbed. Thus traveling alone doesn’t mean being lonely.

     Now then, are you ready to make a solo journey? All you have to do is set aside some time, pack your bags, open your mind, and head out. In the course of your journey you are bound to make some amazing discoveries!


573542.jpg      你有想過試試一個人旅行的感覺嗎?如果你還不習慣成為一個流浪國外的背包客,那你應該先試試一個人在國內的小旅行!單人旅行不只是流行風潮,更能讓你體會到旅行中不同的感受和意義。





      大家一定很好奇什麼樣的人會選擇單人旅行呢? 在我經營民宿的經驗中發現,單人旅行的朋友多數是女性,她們敏感、觀察力好且獨立有想法!也許因為女性特質讓她們更勇於體驗一個人的慢遊。最近兩年來,因為腳踏車運動風行加上電影、媒體的推波助瀾,使得不少男性朋友勇於挑戰騎單車環島旅行,這是個機會讓他們有了過去較少選擇的單人旅行。




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