I think sometimes I am a “collect holic”. If I am interesting in something, I will be addicted to the amount. For example, there are twenty public arts in六本木ヒルズRoppongi Hills. When I visited there, I spent much time to take photos to collect them. I did not abandon any one of arts; however I went there and back in the same street. http://roppongihills.com/jp/feature/publicart_design/ Maybe this courious habit is very funny, but i delight in this and never get tired of it.
Another attractive public arts is in汐留シオサイト near新橋 しんばし.
I met found them accidentally.
My goal was宮崎駿デザインの日テレ大時計 in日テレタワー.
When I waited the play of clock, I swung along the building.
It was amusing to see them because of their poses.
They made a deep impression in my mind.
When I showed the photos to my friends, the sculptures made everyone laugh.