untitled.bmp 心中的小星星

Taare Zameen Par


類  型:溫馨/家庭劇情

片  長:2時42分

導  演:阿米爾罕(Amir Khan)

演  員:阿米爾罕(Amir Khan)


origin: http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/movieinfo_main.html/id=2970

I see the preliminary announcement on yahoo, I decided to see this movie.

I think it is an interesting movie.

This movie is about a teacher who is different style and a student whose mind got hurt.

In the beginning, the teacher plays a clown to appear in the classroom.

It is very funny and attracts me.

This movie also touches my heart because childhood is valuable.

We can not use our thought to suppress the children.

It is extremely awful to children.

It also damages to children especially for their creation  

I hope I can see it recently.


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