



There were many activities in February such as international book fair, Cirque Du Soleil which is a circus without animals, and 2009 Open-Air International Arts Festival of VGL last weekend.


When I watched the news, it was my first time to know VGL.

VGL was a special concert because it combined popular video games and symphony.

When they played music, they also played the frame of the video game.

It was easy for fans to listen to the music.

I was keen on their love show.

Their first concert was in October last year in Taiwan.

The ticket was expensive.


This year Taipei holds 2009 Taiwan International Arts Festival during February.

I got information about VGL.

It would have a concert in Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall on the twenty first.

It was free.

I was excited about it and decided to go to the concert.

Fortunately, I arrived there early and I had a front set.

I thought if I went to the concert, it would be a VIP class.

I could see screen clearly.

When they played the famous song – Medley Mario, everyone was excited.

This game was everyone’s pivotal memory in the childhood.

They had their own host who as humorous during the concert.

He always made the audience laugh.

I was surprised at the piano player who come form Hong Kong.

She could play the music fast and did not influence the feeling.

Even some of the audience did not accept her, but I still thought she played very well.


offical web   http://event.ntch.edu.tw/2009/tif/program0_pic.html



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